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Investigation round 1: News from London herself: Demonstrations led by Saint Brunswick of Saltpetre!


Until the game is launched, there will be community voted investigations that will shed light on the world of Gents of War! You can participate in voting on the Subreddit or our Discord, and see this new world with your own two eyes!

You make sure to have a short chat with the courier before he left town. He is the son of the local newsletter baron, so perhaps he would know some things about the unrests everyone talks about. He seems to be where your son learns all these things from, anyway.

"Aye, ere's been more and more demonstrations down 'ere lately. Lots a talk 'bout Saint of Saltpetre leading most of em. Yea? 'aven't you 'eard? They don 'ave to be dead anymore. Yea. Everyone pays a load a attention to him, Saint Brunswick, with a headful a radical thoughts, a bottom full a legs, and a chest full a 16-pounder gun. Don believe me? This a sketch our drawer down South drew for the news.

Ghastly, huh? They seem to be more unhappy about the colonies or the gunpowder laws or whatever, a bit silly if you ask me, takes the credit outta the union men like Saint Otto. I'd say we ought to feed our ironworkers first before we cry about not being able to shoot your chest cannon. Goes to show that anyone will listen to ya if you ought a gun on your chest. Heh. Anyway, I ought to get these articles to the print. Pleasure talkin mister!"

And with a tip of the hat and a stagger in his step, he readjusts his sack and carries on.

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